Development of a WordPress website for a research project on the benefits of algae for intestinal diseases. Extranet, domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. To be seen on :
Réalisation d’un site internet WordPress pour Bio Molenez, un centre R&D de valorisation des ressources marines. Nom de domaine, Hébergement, maintenance et messagerie. À voir sur :
Development of a WordPress website for a research project on ecological power plants. Extranet, domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. To be seen on :
Creation of a WordPress website for a biotechnology company specialized in biological products for research. Carousel menu, and product management by categories and sub-categories. Hosting, maintenance. To be seen on :
Réalisation d’un site internet WordPress pour le projet européen BIOTraCes avec notre partenaire ESCI. Nom de domaine,Hébergement, maintenance et messagerie. À voir sur :
Development of a WordPress website for Blue Observer, a low-carbon marine science operator. Extranet, domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. To be seen on :
Creation of a Ker-e-liamm website for the Association des Sciences du Vivant de Bretagne. Membership management and payment of fees Domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. To be seen on :